Saturday, 2 April 2016

Caravan Patch

Slowly making progress on the patch by the side of the caravan. This has been pretty hard going. The ground is very gravelly and full of stones but I've managed to clear it of weeds ready for plants. So glad we brought some of our plants from Birmingham. Hopefully they will all take and we will have a nice border this Summer. At the moment I'm making do with our pot plants and existing plants from the new garden. Saving little primroses from all over the garden is not the most exciting of jobs but I'm after low maintenance ground cover that will look pretty in Spring. Lee has started making a new fence after the wind demolished the existing one.

Plants from Birmingham
The start of planting up
Plants in this border include: Hawthorn Tree, Buddleia, Holly Tree, Hydrangea, Roses, Peasants Bush, Winter Camelia, Red Robin, Ferns, Lavender, Lupins, Roses, Foxgloves, Daffodils and Primroses. I think this border is going to be very full once it has grown.

Lee's fence made from little fences

Primroses planted up to here

More Primroses

Almost there.

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