Saturday, 2 April 2016

Pond Border

Left hand side of Garden
This left hand section of the garden is very uneven and muddy, we are hoping to smarten it up a bit by using some of the slabs left over from the patio project and some hexagonal slabs that were in the middle of the lawn. Mum has been cleaning up the border. We also need some space for the Washing. Not very exciting at the moment .... but my next project is the border around the pond.

I'm looking forward to making the pond look nice. We have some massive rocks that are going to look great in the border above the slate retaining wall and then I can save some more plants and put them in there too. I've also got some lovely perennial poppies that can spread and fill the gaps.

We've got frog spawn and 2 frogs. One is blind, how he/she manages I just don't know but we have to look out for him (I'll call him/her him for the moment) when walking on the grass as he likes to sit on the lawn. The previous owner mentioned him, I wonder how old he is (will have to give him a name). I think he was called Stevie.

Border on Left of Pond
Top End of Border, Lee's Gate
Large Rocks for the Border
Small Pond
Needs tidying up
New Life
Blind Frog

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