Thursday, 1 April 2021

New Patio!

Before Photo
Our garden is just so hot and there is little shade so we decided to put in a small patio under a large tree that we have. This space doesn't really have any purpose so it will be a little shady escape from the sun. I absolutely love it, the problem is the birds do too and we now have a poopy patio 😳 Lee did a fantastic job on this and I planted up the borders. Hopefully it will be nice and full when things start to grow. There are a lot of ferns in there but they are just coming to life. I've planted some hyacinths, little anemones (100 bulbs to be precise) sowed some seeds and put some ground cover in too. Lee bought some solar lights that flicker like candles and they really do. The whole thing looks like a teleport on Skyrim and it really does transport you to a tranquil place. This is going to be lush .. I hope.
Hooch helping again

The circle appears

Hey Presto!

Edging almost in

New path, lights and plants

Azaleas transplanted too

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