Wednesday, 9 March 2016


Two of these large tubs were in the garden and the other two were on the grass verge by the road. They didn't really look very nice where they were so I planted them up with some of the climbing roses that were in the garden, bought some cheap obelisks and put them by the caravan as a privacy screen. I just need to paint the planters black but this looks a lot better. Lee painted the bottom of the caravan black - so much nicer.

Planters looking a bit rough
Nice and Tidy
Need to paint those tubs!
Big Messy Corner
The photos below are different views around the caravan. We've certainly got our work cut out over the Summer. Haven't worked out why we have so many road cones yet.
Greenhouse will have a new home

Maggi's Greenhouse
This area will be grassed
Border cleared, plants in
place and planting to follow

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